dimanche 28 juin 2015

That why I'm likin' it

I feel like most of the real clichés about america are not enough being said.

Here what I feel should be said about America and Americans !

There are real host ! They really know how to make you feel confortable right away, that's why I feel like home here. It's easy to get along quickly with them.

Me and Svenja at Rotary
People help each other way more, there are more friendly is general, even emailing a college at work that you don't know, you say "Hi Paul", no last name. Very casual. It helped me calling people at the office because they would make the call so casual and that was very confortable. I'm glad I surpass my fear and enjoyed those calling moments.

They also care about each other a lot. We recently visited Connie, Lecia's mother. It always fun to see her and it makes me happy to spend time with her. And vis versa, she is happy to see us.
Connie, Syd and I

They also do care about the enviromnent ! And probably more then us ! Look at the water fountain, it's filtered water. It tells you how much plastic bottles you saved ! I don't have this in my University but Endicott does ! Very cool, and the water is fresh of course.

My water everyday at the Office !

They have nice buildings too.
Endicott College on a nice day
THEY DO HAVE GOOD FOOD, and nice landscape. Little look up of our dinner time last night.
We want to Essex, a town next to beverly. The restaurant was on the water. Very pretty.
Spicy Lobster Carbonara and the view
Happy !!
Pet Syd and I 
Did you just said Fernet ?
Petite histoire sur cette boisson, nous l'avons gouté avec Nico en Argentine et c'est très (très) spéciale.  Difficile a apprécie la première fois, un peu comme un bière ou un expresso je pense. Mais c'était nostalgique pour moi de boire ce petit verre de Fernet. Origine Italy selon Peter, comme quoi, cette boisson a beau être spéciale, elle voyage partout ! Les visages sont toujours identiques lors de la premiere degustation. Et ca me rappelle bien des souvenirs de Nico en Argentine. Comme dit Sydney, Nico est comme papa, il est un sacré acteur et imitateur !

Fried dough with Ice cream and whipped cream
Love you America

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