This article I'll do in English because it's for english speaking people. And I never write in English on my blog so it would good for me to do it once. Remember that you can always translate my blog at the bottom there is an application.
Today, I'm moving to another house. Since I arrived, I've been with only one family. So it's a big change for me. All the work that I have done to adapt myself to this new life, I'll have to do it again. But it was not hard at all in the first family, because they were exactly was you expect a host family to be. I hope I'm going to be as lucky for the two others, but I can already say that I'm because I know them both and they are great. But you can just say it when you are settled there, after few weeks.
I wanted on this article to thanks the Frasca for all that they had done for me. I don't have enough "thank you" to say to thanks them... I have been four month and a half with them. It's a long time when you think of it. For me it's been a long time since I arrive here. And I could have imagine my year just with them it would have been perfect.
But I know that what I'll discover with the other host family is going to be as good as it was with the Frasca. So of course it's really sad but in another way, it's a great future coming up. It's hard to say good bye, but you have to be open and happy for the new family.
I want a share all the great moments that I had with my host family even if you know most of them by my blog. It's hard to chose just some great moments, because my all 4 month there was amazing. Every day, every minute. And I'm not being American, like when I say it, I really mean it. I don't exaggerate. It's just the true and the way it is ! :D
Anyway, I can still remember every day of my exchange because I did my dairy everyday.
Since the beginning, we can say that I get along very well with I host Mom. This picture is one of the first pictures we have together.
August 21st |
Crazy !
September 1st |
And here is our first family picture :
Septembre 24th |
My birthday, with a wonderful Red Velvet cake, it's actually a killer cake :P
Fun with my host sister and her husband: YEAH !
Having fun staking wood in the garage with Syd jumping !
The nut cracker ! Great night, great show, great people, Life IS BEAUTIFUL !
Christmas with my little croques-messieurs ! Flag and uggs, just perfect.
Having fun in the snow like little kids with Syd, yes we enjoy being crazy...and funny :D
Thank you soooooooo sooooooo sooooooo much for everything. I'm glad I have meet people that could have been my parents. Life can sometimes be amazing by letting you meet wonderful people. I couldn't have expect better and I don't understand how it is possible to be get along that well.
I love you the Frasca !